"I Am Legend" started out a little slow, but still kept my attention then and the rest of the movie. This was actually a remake of a couple other movies, including "The Omega Man", which I have not seen. I did feel like the film needed some more story to it, but was already pretty long.
I was impressed by Will Smiths ability to act alone through the majority of the film...sort of like "Cast Away" with Tom Hanks, not to mention, the dog, Abby, who played "Sam" (short for "Samantha") was not too shabby herself. The beautiful german shepard was well trained, and played a major role in the movie...what can I say, I love animals. This was a major role for Will Smith as well, since the weight of the movie rested mainly on his shoulders since he is by himself. There was no doubt in my mind he'd do a good job. His daughter in the movie was also played by his real daughter, Willow, even tho it was a small part.
There was one scene in the commercials that did not make it to the final cut, which I thought was going to be an important part in the movie, but they must have changed their minds, so I'm interested in seeing deleted scenes on the DVD. I was also impressed with the CGI in the movie. The shots of a rundown, deserted New York City was very cool, and almost believable.
I was amazed to find out that the director, Francis Lawrence, also directed "Constantine"...but he is originally a music video director, he did some videos with Green Day, Jennifer Lopez, and Brittany Spears. I think he did a very good job on this film too.
I was overall VERY happy with this movie, and even wanted to see it again, and I will probably end up buying it when it comes out on DVD.
Here's some interesting facts taken from IMBD.com:
--Warner Bros. Pictures has owned the rights to the book since the 1970s. The studio first attempted adapting it was as The Omega Man (1971) with director Boris Sagal, starring Charlton Heston. Then as 'I Am Legend' with director Ridley Scott, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, which fell through when the production went over-budget. And then in 2002, Michael Bay was set to direct Will Smith, but they decided to make Bad Boys II (2003) instead.
--The scenes at the Brooklyn Bridge involved over 1000 extras and various military vehicles and aircraft.
--Much of this film was shot on location in New York City's Washington Square Park during fall and winter 2006-2007, causing holiday decorations to be taken down and replaced tumultuously for over three months.
--The studio spent an estimated $5,000,000 for a 6 night shoot in New York involving the Brooklyn Bridge. To film in this location, the producers needed the approval of up to 14 government agencies. The producers had to bring in a crew of 250, plus 1,000 extras, including 160 members of the National Guard in full combat gear.
--The film was green-lit without a script.
--Warner Brothers initially opposed filming in New York because of costs and logistical challenges. However, Michael Tadross, a veteran New York production manager got the city to approve closing the Grand Central viaduct, several blocks of Fifth Avenue and Washington Square Park, albeit at night and on weekends, between September 2006 and April 2007.
Plants were transported via trucks from Florida to dress up the city streets as if weeds had overtaken them.
I was impressed by Will Smiths ability to act alone through the majority of the film...sort of like "Cast Away" with Tom Hanks, not to mention, the dog, Abby, who played "Sam" (short for "Samantha") was not too shabby herself. The beautiful german shepard was well trained, and played a major role in the movie...what can I say, I love animals. This was a major role for Will Smith as well, since the weight of the movie rested mainly on his shoulders since he is by himself. There was no doubt in my mind he'd do a good job. His daughter in the movie was also played by his real daughter, Willow, even tho it was a small part.
There was one scene in the commercials that did not make it to the final cut, which I thought was going to be an important part in the movie, but they must have changed their minds, so I'm interested in seeing deleted scenes on the DVD. I was also impressed with the CGI in the movie. The shots of a rundown, deserted New York City was very cool, and almost believable.
I was amazed to find out that the director, Francis Lawrence, also directed "Constantine"...but he is originally a music video director, he did some videos with Green Day, Jennifer Lopez, and Brittany Spears. I think he did a very good job on this film too.
I was overall VERY happy with this movie, and even wanted to see it again, and I will probably end up buying it when it comes out on DVD.
Here's some interesting facts taken from IMBD.com:
--Warner Bros. Pictures has owned the rights to the book since the 1970s. The studio first attempted adapting it was as The Omega Man (1971) with director Boris Sagal, starring Charlton Heston. Then as 'I Am Legend' with director Ridley Scott, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, which fell through when the production went over-budget. And then in 2002, Michael Bay was set to direct Will Smith, but they decided to make Bad Boys II (2003) instead.
--The scenes at the Brooklyn Bridge involved over 1000 extras and various military vehicles and aircraft.
--Much of this film was shot on location in New York City's Washington Square Park during fall and winter 2006-2007, causing holiday decorations to be taken down and replaced tumultuously for over three months.
--The studio spent an estimated $5,000,000 for a 6 night shoot in New York involving the Brooklyn Bridge. To film in this location, the producers needed the approval of up to 14 government agencies. The producers had to bring in a crew of 250, plus 1,000 extras, including 160 members of the National Guard in full combat gear.
--The film was green-lit without a script.
--Warner Brothers initially opposed filming in New York because of costs and logistical challenges. However, Michael Tadross, a veteran New York production manager got the city to approve closing the Grand Central viaduct, several blocks of Fifth Avenue and Washington Square Park, albeit at night and on weekends, between September 2006 and April 2007.
Plants were transported via trucks from Florida to dress up the city streets as if weeds had overtaken them.
1 comment:
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