Sunday, August 5, 2007

Shadowrun - Xbox 360/Vista

Developer: FASA Interactive
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
Release Date (US): May 29, 2007; June 1, 2007 (EU)
System(s): PC (Vista); Xbox 360 (reviewed)
Modes: Single Player, Multiplayer
Rating: M

I will first admit that I have both the Vista and Xbox 360 versions of this game. I first owned the one on the Xbox, but bought the Vista version when Circuit City had an excellent sale; buy Halo 2 and Shadowrun for Vista for $40 TOTAL!! They each came with a month of XBL, so I figured that was another $16-20 value as well. That's why I have two gamertags - PekosRob and BetterThnSchwag.

For starters, if anyone remembers this game from back in the day, this is not the same game. I believe back in the day (I'm speaking of when it was on the SNES) this game was a third person game, not first person. There is no campaign, you just have capture the flag type matches (called the "artifact" in this version). However, you can play a match versus the AI in teams if you don't have Live. And you have all these different tech/gear and magic you can use once you buy.

Depending on how well you do in a match, you receive money to buy equipment/weapons/magic, many people have made a similarity with this and in Counter Strike. I haven't played CS, so I don't really know about buying stuff anyways, but it somewhat makes sense. It's usually good to buy a tech or magical ability since you lose your weapons if you are dead at the end of the round.

Match Types:
Raid - This is similar to capture the flag, except one side, RNA Corp, is defending while the other, Lineage, is trying to take the artifact to the check point. In Raid, RNA always defends, and the Lineage always tries to take it.

Extraction - Both sides attempt to take the artifact to win, or whichever team kills all of the other team. This is fairer than Raid; some levels really give RNA Corp a huge advantage, whether it's shooting down at the Lineage, or defending a difficult spot to get to stealthily.

Attrition - Both teams try to kill each other. Picking up the artifact is similar to using Enhanced Vision (one of the techs you can purchase in the game). The artifact allows you to see where everyone on the other team is located. You can press the up direction on the d-pad to let your teammates know where they are located. Game is over when either everyone is dead or eliminated. I'll explain the difference later.

Races or "Metahumans"
  • Elves - my favorite; they're fast, but not very powerful or strong. They do regenerate health slowly when not attacked, which is great.
  • Dwarves - steal essence from nearby players. They can get essence for magical powers by standing near their teammates or enemies. This essence stealing also allows for them to destroy minions and strangle very easily. Cannot be killed with a single shot to the head.
  • Humans - good overall, they start out with $2,500, while other races start with $2,000.
  • Trolls - huge, slow, powerful creatures. Their skin hardens when attacked, slowing them down but also slowing down the damage just a bit. They can carry the mini-gun with ease, as well as every other weapon.
  • Pistol - this is the default weapon. You always have it when you are resurrected or when you start the game after dying. It's free.
  • Grenades - you start off with two, and you can only carry two at a time. You can only pick them up when you get them from other dead people (i.e. cannot purchase)
  • SMG - submachine gun. Rapid fire with less accuracy the further you are away from the target. No achievements linked to it.
  • Rifle - allows you to zoom in one level. Fairly accurate, but has a kick when shooting.
  • Shotgun - powerful close range weapon.
  • Katana - sword. When equipped, you are put in third person view.
  • Mini-gun - powerful and heavy machine gun that spins (gattling) when fired. I think it has one level of zoom.
  • Sniper rifle - self explanatory. Has two levels of zoom.
  • Rocket launcher - self explanatory. Hella expensive.
  • Smartlink - prevents friendly fire. You have this red laser coming out of your eye, that only others, but not you, can see. Allows you to zoom into one more level.
  • Enhanced vision - allows you to see enemies that are nearby.
  • Glider - little wings that allow you to glide through the air.
  • AMG - anti-magic generator. Helpful to eliminate Strangle and steal essence.
  • Tree of Life - plants a seed which a tree springs from. Heals players, not only your own teammates, but the enemy as well.
  • Gust - kind of like using the force to push someone or something back. If someone is using smoke, you can force them out of that state.
  • Smoke - makes you look like a ghost. Bullets fly through you and you can survive long drops. When you undo smoke, it takes a few seconds to be able to use magic or your weapons.
  • Teleport - allows you to teleport 10 meters in the direction you are moving.
  • Resurrect - revive allies that are dead, but their bodies not "destroyed."
  • Minion - summon a minion that can defend an area/item or chase after an enemy.
Give money to teammates. This allows some to buy items if they are just a few bucks from purchasing them. This gives money in $200 increments. It also allows you to see which of your teammates have certain magic/tech/abilities.

I'm sure I have left out many other powers and abilities, but I'm doing this all off my head. I tend to play with the same certain items. Right now I'm trying to kill people with strangle.

A lot of reviewers gave this wonderful game a poor review since it lacks a campaign part. I really don't care, if the game is entertaining, online or not, it's good and deserves a good grade. I rate this game an 8.9/10 because of the combinations of powers, weapons, and equipment you have can open up a near unlimited arsenal of abilities. I really love playing this game, and you can find me playing Shadowrun at least several times a week.

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