Friday, August 3, 2007

Flight of the Conchords - Sundays 10:30/9:30c on HBO

This show is great! I discovered it channel surfing and stopping on HBO. No wonder people pay so much for HBO, they have too many good shows without commercials. Fortunately for me my roommate used to work for the cable company so we get just about every premium channel and high speed internet for under $55/month (total).

Flight of the Conchords is about a duo from New Zealand that are living in NYC, trying to get a break. The show is primarily composed of Bret, Jemaine, and Murray (the band manager). The three of them usually have band meetings to discuss any "band opportunities" that may be out there. If you have HBO, this show definitely deserves to be watched at least once. If you don't like it, or if you love it, come back here and leave comments!

Band site

1 comment:

ThugNasty said...

I have to say, 'Flight of the Conchords' was a pretty crazy show. hahaha. "New Zealanders??.... we don't serve your kind here." hahaha

Pretty unique stuff..they break into song at random times, and the band manager is a moron. Very entertaining.